Java Programming

This Java course will provide you with a strong understanding of basic Java programming elements and data abstraction using problem representation and the object-oriented framework. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This course will use sample objects such as photos or images to illustrate some important concepts to enhance understanding and retention. You will learn to write procedural programs using variables, arrays, control statements, loops, recursion, data abstraction and objects in an integrated development environment.

Part 1 introduces programming fundamentals:

1. Problem solving

2. Primitive data types and arithmetic expressions

3. Object-oriented programming basics

4. Branching and Loops

5. Array

Part 2 covers the following topics:

1. String manipulation

2. File I/O

3. Simple event-driven programming

4. Recursion

5. Abstract data types

Main Topics

1. Java Tutorial

2. Control Statements

3. Java Object Class

4. Java Inheritance

5. Java Polymorphism

6. Java Abstraction

7. Java Encapsulation

8. Java Array

9. Java OOPs Misc

10. Java String

11. Java String Methods

12. Java Regex

13. Exception Handling

14. Java Inner Class

15. Java Multithreading

16. Java Synchronization

17. Java I/O

18. Java Serialization

19. Java Networking

20. Java AWT & Events

21. Java Swing

22. Java Swing Apps

23. LayoutManagers

24. JavaFX Tutorial

25. JavaFX 2D Shapes

26. JavaFX Text

27. JavaFX Effects

28. JavaFX Transformation

29. JavaFX Animation

30.JavaFX 3D Shapes

40. JavaFX Layouts

41. JavaFX UI

42. JavaFX Charts

43. JavaFX CSS

44. Media with JavaFX

45. JavaFX Event Handling

46. Java Applet

47. Java Reflection

48. Java 8 Date Time

49. Java Date (Classical)

50. Java Date Format

51. Current Date Time

52. Java Conversion

53. Java Collections

54. Java JDBC

55. Java New Features

56. Java 9 Features

57. Java 8 Features

58. Java 7 Features

59. Java 4/5 Features

60. RMI

61. Internationalization

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